My name is Shay Fridman and I work as a freelance in the video editing and online marketing business. You should know right from the start that my primary goal is to always bring you the best results!
I was exposed to the creative world at a very early age. I started tinkering with presentations and photography in primary school and edited videos for the school and other events!
I have a BA in marketing and was working for a few years in an online marketing company.
Today I can combine my passions for online marketing and video editing. Equipped with professional knowledge in digital marketing, design and photography I now started a business that can give you everything you need to promote your business in the best way!
You are best when you are doing what you love most ;)
Other things I do

From indipendence to another a Template marketplace with instegram stories, GIF's all you can do for your private buisness to upgrade your performence

More to come SOON...